The stretch of William Street between Murray and Hay is right in the heart of Perth's CBD. It has long been one of the busiest parts of the city. But even up until, say, five years ago, it wasn't all that different from what I recall from my youth.

I definitely can't say that about it now. Lately, there's been a lot of construction along William Street. And of course there's the Perth Underground Train Station, which opens onto the Murray Street Mall, right near the corner of William Street.

I think Transperth have also changed some of the bus routes to funnel buses into the Esplanade Busport. So there are many more buses moving along, picking up and dropping off passengers than ever before. (At least it certainly seems that way to me.)

Also, because of the many fast food outlets (on the left hand side looking south) you tend to see lots of teenagers, ferals and bogans. It's actually a bit of a gathering point for them. (Sorry to sound so ageist and snobby. But you really do notice this.)

All these factors combine to give this particular part of the city a concentrated, bustling quality. While not in the same league as, say, George Street in Sydney, it's certainly getting there.

Both the photos below were taken from the corner of Murray Street looking south.