A few weeks ago I was wandering down towards the Swan River in Mosman Park when I came across a sculpture of a dragonfly. It was quite a striking creation in a picturesque setting.

From the plaque at its base I learned that it was comparatively new. Created by Ben Juniper, it was erected there in 2011.

But it seems that there's has been some controversy about it -- at least soon after it was placed there.

Some residents complained that Dragonfly, with an installed height of 5.7m and a wingspan of 5.4m, would harm the vista, distract and endanger passing motorists and restrict children's use of the park.

I can't agree with the argument about it ruining the vista. It's not that big.

Speaking of which: the view from the park is very pretty. You can see the Perth skyline way in the distance across the river.

My only complaint about the sculpture would be how much it cost. At $160,000, it seems greatly overpriced to me!