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Showing Tag: "nature" (Show all posts)

Startling snake bite surge in areas around Perth

Posted by Matt Hayden on Friday, October 24, 2014,
Forget about the sharks for a moment! Numerous West Aussies are being attacked by native critters on land as well -- snakes to be exact. 

This report of a suspected snake bite in Jurien Bay is the most recent of several. Obviously it's not part of a concerted effort on Gaia's part -- although I'm sure there are a few shrub-humping greenies who believe that to be the case (and that it's exactly what we deserve).

It's clearly got something to do with the approach of summer, as serpents awake from...
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WA's green intensity and the nature of the state

Posted by Matt Hayden on Monday, February 24, 2014,
I have been thinking about the ferocity of the anti-shark cull campaign here in the west. I keep wondering why it is so intense. Sure, people get het up about these things all over the globe, but generally not to the extent we've seen here recently

For example, there have been drum lines and shark nets in Queensland and NSW for decades. Yet they have caused little controversy. There were even people demonstrating about the West Aussie measures in those states. Makes you wonder why they didn'...
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Steven Sealberg confirms our desire to see animals as people

Posted by Matt Hayden on Sunday, February 23, 2014,
The older I get the weirder I think people are. One aspect of human nature that I'm particularly intrigued by is how we relate to animals. We herd, hunt, kill and eat them and use the remains of their bodies to make commodities such as clothing and fertilizer. Yet we befriend them as well. And we can even look up to them.

While some mammals such as dolphins, whales, and anthropoid apes are highly intelligent most beasts are pretty thick, let's face it. As well as being dumber than humans, they...
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Dead possum near cross on Stirling Highway Mosman Park

Posted by Matt Hayden on Wednesday, July 3, 2013,
Stirling Highway narrows considerably as it goes through the suburb of Mosman Park, making that stretch quite dangerous for motorists. It's also risky for pedestrians because not only is there a high concentration of vehicles whizzing past but the footpaths are very narrow as well.

There's a very real reminder of the severity of this danger in the form of a makeshift cross on the corner of Glyde St, presumably left to mark the site of a roadside fatality.

About a week ago a dead possum appeared...
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MacTiernan's concrete city scenario reveals her green delusions

Posted by Matt Hayden on Tuesday, June 25, 2013,
Mayor of the City of Vincent Alannah MacTiernan is angered by WA's new residential housing codes. The changes are minor:

WA's new residential housing codes, to come into effect on August 2, reduce the minimum open space requirement for multi-dwelling R50 and R60 developments from 45 per cent to 40 per cent.

But of course this is all too much for Ms MacTiernan. She says the change will contribute to a heat island effect. Wouldn't be surprised if she invokes climate change as well ...

I think mos...
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Good books about and set in Perth and Fremantle
Line of Sight
When War Came to Fremantle
The Devil's Garden
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