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Showing Tag: "mosman" (Show all posts)

Hopefully Senate Election will show clear support for LNP

Posted by Matt Hayden on Saturday, April 5, 2014,
Being in the Curtin Electorate, and living in Mosman Park, I nipped down to the charming art deco Memorial Hall to place my vote. Mossie Park is a real Liberal Party stronghold, given that it's generally a pretty well off and established suburb with lots of oldsters. (That said, there are chunks of it that are demographically the opposite of this, making it quite an intriguing locality.)

The atmosphere at the polling place was certainly very different to King St Newtown, where I voted a couple...
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Pedestrian sign accident on Stirling Highway in Mosman Park

Posted by Matt Hayden on Friday, March 21, 2014,
I live in Mosman Park, and often head down to the Subway not far from the train station there. Along that stretch of the Stirling Highway the road is too narrow. So is the footpath, especially right near the station itself. Walking along it always feels a bit fraught, particularly at rush hour. There's a hell of a lot of traffic thundering through there on the way to Fremantle and back.

About a hundred metres form the station there's a busy petrol station where people enter at speed from the h...
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Dead possum near cross on Stirling Highway Mosman Park

Posted by Matt Hayden on Wednesday, July 3, 2013,
Stirling Highway narrows considerably as it goes through the suburb of Mosman Park, making that stretch quite dangerous for motorists. It's also risky for pedestrians because not only is there a high concentration of vehicles whizzing past but the footpaths are very narrow as well.

There's a very real reminder of the severity of this danger in the form of a makeshift cross on the corner of Glyde St, presumably left to mark the site of a roadside fatality.

About a week ago a dead possum appeared...
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Bizarre crash on Stirling Highway, Mosman Park

Posted by Matt Hayden on Wednesday, January 16, 2013,
It's around 1 a.m. on Thursday morning. Close to midnight I was watching TV in my Mosman Park flat and I heard this loud screeching sound followed by a bang that came from the direction of Stirling Highway. Clearly a car had lost contol near the train station and hit an oncoming car or a wall.

I thought it best to have a look because if it was a serious crash and someone was hurt I may have been able to help somehow. It turned out not to be serious, thankfully. But it easily could have been.

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The dragonfly sculpture in Bayview Park, Mosman Park

Posted by Matt Hayden on Wednesday, October 24, 2012,
A few weeks ago I was wandering down towards the Swan River in Mosman Park when I came across a sculpture of a dragonfly. It was quite a striking creation in a picturesque setting.

From the plaque at its base I learned that it was comparatively new. Created by Ben Juniper, it was erected there in 2011.

But it seems that there's has been some controversy about it -- at least soon after it was placed there.

Some residents complained that Dragonfly, with an installed height of 5.7m and a wingspan...
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Spate of wild parties in Perth

Posted by Matt Hayden on Monday, March 26, 2012,
Huge, out of control parties are not isolated to Perth, of course. However, this city does seem to have far more than its fair share of them. When I was living in Sydney there were reports of such events, but not nearly as many as I've been reading about in the papers over here lately.

Last weekend several such events occurred. In one of them held in Balga a policeman was knocked unconscious. It's alarming that anyone would be so out of control, but it's worse that the kick was delivered by a ...
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Good books about and set in Perth and Fremantle
Line of Sight
When War Came to Fremantle
The Devil's Garden
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