One thing I've noticed since returning from Sydney a few years ago is just how many buskers and street performers there are in Perth. Even taking into account the city's significant increase in population, there do seem to be an awful lot of them! When it comes to busking this city seems to punch above its weight -- much like it does for that other mode of self expression, street art.

Granted, many of them are not that good. And some of them are just excruciating. But some are extremely accomplished, as evidenced by the big crowds they draw.

The Murray St Mall seems to be their favourite location, and there are numerous colourful and eccentric characters among them. You'll see many regulars there, of course. But you can go in there pretty much any day of the week and be surprised by street performers you've never seen before.

I have accumulated quite a few photos on this theme so far and have created a Pinterest board for them. (Also includes photos found on local blogs, websites by others.)